
While our blog is aimed at Pre-Service Teachers, we welcome the experience and knowledge of anyone involved in the education sector - lecturers, teachers, principals and administrators.

We want to give you a voice. We spend a vast majority of our time taking in information, but rarely do we communicate and share our ideas with each other. In fact, we rarely have an opportunity for self-organised collaboration. We want to change that.

Everyone has the potential to have fantastic ideas and thoughts that are worth sharing. If you think you’ve got information that would be of value to the Pre-Service Teacher community, we would love you to use our blog as a platform to spread your ideas!

We don’t want to limit the creativity of your contribution. Ideas, thoughts, arguments, statistics, advice, interviews and personal experiences – we want them all! If you think it will be beneficial to Pre-Service Teachers, we want it.

Help us create a community. An effective blog relies on frequent, informative and engaging posts. We believe that you can help us achieve this; together we can inform others and change education for the better!

Please send your thoughts and ideas to

Here are some basic tips to help us quickly review and post your contribution:
  • Include a profile picture (preferred, but optional) and bio of yourself
  • Try and send a completed piece of work
  • Check spelling and proofread
  • Be open to feedback!

The basic process is... we review your contribution, let you know that it is suitable (if not we will explain why) and post it to the blog within a week! Simple as that.

-PST Blog team